may 12th to june 30th

ToolsGalerie presents the work of six " makers " , designers who share a common interest in working with the hand. Freeing themselves from the problems of form and function, they all seek to integrate research, stories, sensitivities or perceptions of the material into their work.
Formal languages give rise to creative implementations: glued tapestry, knotted weights and concrete, use of ceramic patterns, woven or inflated stoneware, steel built without fasting sizes, fluid glass.

Anna Mareschal de Charentenay Tailored Ceramics
Lucas Huillet SCP****
Lucas Huillet Poids
Wendy Andreu Chains Tapestries
Heloïse Piraud Big Black
Heloïse Piraud Appeal
Nienke Sikkema Three Arms Candelabra
Dirk Duif Teapot
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